"Prescott Pride" is the name of Region 172 post-primary season tournament teams. Prescott has a long tradition of taking quality Pride teams to tournaments around the state.
2024/2025 Pride Teams:
Each year we provide teams based on availability of players and volunteer coaches. This year we are looking for the following teams:
Girls: 10U, Coaches: Zach Olsen (HC) and James Elphick (Asst)
Boys: 10U, Coaches: Tom Leick (HC) and Trevor Waldron (Asst)
Tryouts are scheduled to be held on Nov 12th and 15th, between 5pm - 7pm. Subject to change upon request of the Coach(es).
All interested players from the primary season are eligible to come out for try-outs.
*Times decided by Coach. Fields at Pioneer Park 10u and 12u respectively**
**Replacement players or additional players come from the
players that tried out first, played in Core (Primary Season) second, and outside play
third (ONLY with approval from the Regional Commissioner).
Teams will play from January to May. Practice days and times will be determined by the coach of each team. The teams will participate in various tournaments throughout the state of Arizona.
Costs for Pride teams vary depending upon the team and Division. Minimum costs
per player can be expected to be at least $200 but normally not exceeding $500.
Per Player Normal: 10U averages $350, 12U averages $425, and 14U averages $500.
Team (player) fees pay for uniforms (jerseys, shorts, socks, and backpack), tournament
fees, and practice field expenses.
Coaching a Pride Team:
Application Due date for Coaching a Pride Team is: October 19th
AYSO requires that coaches be certified for the age they are coaching. 14U requires
an Intermediate cert and 16U requires an Advanced certification. If interested in
coaching a Pride team, please download, complete, and follow instructions to submit
your application to Prescott Pride Soccer, PO Box 11452 Prescott, AZ 86304 or email to
[email protected]. The Prescott AYSO Board will consider all coach
applications. For an application, go to the appropriate sub-Tab under AYSO Extra
Eligible Players
Players in 8U & under are not eligible to form any tournament teams per AYSO
National Rule and Regulations. To be eligible to try-out for a Pride team, players should
have played the AYSO primary season for region 172. Under special circumstances
there are exceptions for players who have not played in the primary season. Contact
the Regional Coach Administrator for more information.
Prescott AYSO raises funds as a region for Pride Teams. Each team is encouraged to
fundraise to help pay for extra equipment, team events, and to help get costs lower.
Simple fundraising can lower your per player costs by as much as $200, and
aggressive Team fundraising and/or Team sponsors can pay for the season. All
Fundraising events must be submitted and approved by the Regional Commissioner.
The tournament teams, in multiple age divisions, compete in AYSO and club
tournaments normally from January to May. AYSO and club tournaments are typically
two (2) day events with most games occurring on Saturdays and Sundays. Most Pride
teams play in 4-6 tournaments.
Download Coach Application Here